Thursday, March 25, 2010

Networking as Marketing Strategy - It's All Attitude

This morning's micro-seminar "Networking for Increased Sales" reinforced some key points about the "why" and "how" of networking, and how the fundamental attitude drives everything else.

The why?  Honestly, often to avoid cold-calling. Starting relationships at networking events is a lot more comfortable, and effective (when done well). One source has 60% of new business contacts come through networking, and referrals from networking are 80% more effective than cold calls.  Choosing between attending 3 networking events to get 6 quality referrals and calling 600 strangers?  Not a hard choice!

The how?  Remember your purpose in networking is not to close deals, nor give out business cards, nor "pitch" to anyone who'll listen.  Your purpose is to meet new people, learn who they are, and (when appropriate) start enough of a relationship to earn a follow-up meeting.

The attitude that's important in networking is to be real.  Be curious, be genuinely interested in what the people you meet say and do, to learn all you can about them.  Listening skills are much more important than presentation skills!  A willingness to share your network, to give what you can without tallying the score, to make introductions even at the event - these eventually start to build relationships that matter.

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